1.1 Resident Care Planning, Daily Reporting & Safeguarding
- Care Planning Guidance.docx
- Care Staff Actions for all Residents.docx
- Covert Medication Form.docx
- Group Activities Guidance.pdf
- Individual Activities Guidance.pdf
- Poetry Anthology for Individual Activities.pdf
- PRN Medication Protocol.docx
- Protocol for responding to Choking.pdf
- Protocol for responding to Falls.pdf
- Protocol for Sepsis Management.pdf
- Protocol for Skin Tears.pdf
1.2 Mental Capacity & Deprivation of Liberty
- 0.0 Deprivation of Liberty General Guidance.pdf
- 0.0 Mental Capacity Moving-In Assessment Guidance.pdf
- 0.1 Tenants only - Flowchart 1 - tenancy.pdf
- 0.2 Tenants only - Flowchart 2 - care.pdf
- 0.3 Tenants only - Flowchart 3 - DoL.pdf
- 1.0 Tenants only - DOL Local Authority Notification.docx
- 2.0 NH Residents Only - KCC DOLS Application.html
- 2.1 NH Residents Only - KCC DOLS Further Notification.html
- - MCA & Best Interests assessment (with capacity).pdf
- - MCA & Best Interests assessment (without capacity and no PoA Health & Welfare).pdf
- - MCA & Best Interests assessment (without capacity but with PoA Health & Welfare).pdf
2.1 Staff Recruitment & Pay Rates
- Whitstable Employment Contract.doc
- Whitstable European Working Time Directive Opt Out Regulations.doc
- Whitstable Health Questionnaire.docx
- Whitstable Job Offer Letter.doc
- Whitstable Pay Rates & Accommodation Charges.docx
- Whitstable Staff Application Form.doc
- Whitstable Staff Service Occupancy Agreement.doc
- Whitstable Telephone Reference Confirmation E-mail.docx
2.2 Staff Supervisions & Appraisals
2.3 Staff Handbooks & Equal Opportunities Form
2.4 Staff Job Descriptions
- GC Group Accountability Structure.docx
- GC Quality & Compliance Board Terms of Reference.doc
- J-00 GC Business Services Manager.docx
- J-00 GC Support Centre Staff.doc
- J-00 Induction Manager.doc
- J-00 Training Manager.docx
- J-00 Whitstable Accountability Structure.docx
- J-01 Director.doc
- J-02A Registered Manager.doc
- J-02B PAU Service Manager.doc
- J-03 Compliance Manager.docx
- J-03 Practical Trainer.doc
- J-03 Practice Development Manager.docx
- J-04 New Resident Manager.doc
- J-05 Deputy Manager.doc
- J-05 Duty Manager.docx
- J-06 Care Worker.docx
- J-06 Induction Buddy.docx
- J-06 Senior Care Worker.docx
- J-07 Activities Worker.docx
- J-09 Cook.doc
- J-10 Housekeeper.doc
- J-11 Kitchen Assistant.doc
- J-12 Maintenance Person.doc
- J-13 Cleaner.doc
- J-14 Laundry Assistant.doc
- J-15 Volunteer Activities Worker.doc
- J-16 Finance Administrator.doc
- J-17 Receptionist.doc
- J-90 Registered Nurse Job Description.doc
2.5 Staff Induction & Mandatory Training
- 0 Whitstable Training Matrix.pdf
- 1 Whitstable Staff Induction Checklist & Sign-off.pdf
- 2 Mandatory Face-to-Face Training.doc
- 3 Specialist Face-to-Face Training .doc
- 4 Webinar Training.doc
- Camascope eMar Competency Assessment - Care Workers.pdf
- Camascope eMAR Competency Assessment - Duty Managers.pdf
- Graham Care Group Basic Life Support handout.docx
- Graham Care Group Duty Managers handout.docx
- Graham Care Group Fire handout.docx
- Graham Care Group Moving and handling handout.docx
- Graham Care Group PBS CM handout.docx
- Graham Care Group Reporting and recording booklet.docx
- Staff Confirmation of Understanding of Tenancy Rights.doc
3.0 Audits & Policies
- A01 Infection Control Audit - Monthly.docx
- A03 Medication Audit.docx
- P01 Business Continuity Plan.pdf
- P01 Residents Charter of Rights.pdf
- P02 Clinical Nursing Procedures.pdf
- P03 Food Safety .pdf
- P04 Health & Safety Policy .pdf
- P05 Equal Opportunities Policy .pdf
- P11A Day Shift Management Protocol.pdf
- P11b Night Shift Management Protocol .pdf
- P12 Staffing Levels.pdf
- P13 Selection & Recruitment of Staff.pdf
- P14 Staff Obligations Absenteeism & Confidentiality.pdf
- P15 Disciplinary & Grievance Procedure.pdf
- P16 Use of Agency & Bank Staff .pdf
- P17 Training Policy .pdf
- P18 Staff Performance Appraisals& Training Review.pdf
- P20 Fire Drills.pdf
- P21 Organisation Chart.pdf
- P22 Missing Resident.pdf
- P23 Smoking, use of alcohol & drugs.pdf
- P24 Bullying & Harassment Policy.pdf
- P25 Dealing with Violence and Aggression .pdf
- P26 Restraint Policy.pdf
- P27 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds.pdf
- P28 Maintenance of Equipment.pdf
- P28A Control of Suppliers.pdf
- P29 Infection Control .pdf
- P30 Consent to Examination, Care & Treatment.pdf
- P30A Moving & Handling.pdf
- P30B Continence Promotion .pdf
- P30C Pressure Relief.pdf
- P31 Emergencies & Crises.pdf
- P32 First Aid Policy.pdf
- P33 Handling of Accidents.pdf
- P34 Nutrition .pdf
- P35 Sexuality & Relationships.pdf
- P36 Handling Enquiries regarding Bed Vacancies.pdf
- P37 PAU Patient Admission & Care Plans.pdf
- P37A Resident Moving-in & Care Plans.pdf
- P37B Resident transfers between Group Services.pdf
- P38 Operational Night Care Policy.pdf
- P39 Special Care for Residents with sensory impairments.pdf
- P40 GPs & GP Visits.pdf
- P41 End of Life Policy.pdf
- P42 Abuse to Staff.pdf
- P43 Handling & Processing Complaints.pdf
- P44 Care of the Dying.pdf
- P45 Resident Visit to Hospital.pdf
- P46 Resident Discharge Procedure.pdf
- P49 Medication Policy.pdf
- P52 Food Hygiene Policy.pdf
- P53 Purchasing of Consumables.pdf
- P54 Storage of Foodstuffs.pdf
- P55 Planning & Serving Meals.pdf
- P56 Cleaning Procedures.pdf
- P57 Laundry Procedure.pdf
- P58 Residents Wills.pdf
- P60 Safeguarding Adults & Prevention of Abuse.pdf
- P60a Safeguarding Children.pdf
- P61 Residents - Gifts.pdf
- P62 Procedure in the Event of Death.pdf
- P63 Verification of Death by Nursing Staff.pdf
- P65 Working with Volunteers.pdf
- P66 Property & Valuables.pdf
- P68 Permits to Work .pdf
- P69 Staff Uniform Policy.pdf
- P72 Provision of Meals for Staff.pdf
- P73 Resident Bathing Policy.pdf
- P74 Flu Vaccination.pdf
- P75 Pandemic Flu Policy & Procedure.pdf
- P76 Whistleblowing Policy.pdf
- P78 Data Breach Procedure.pdf
- P79 Access to files by Staff & Residents and data protection.pdf
- P79a Privacy Standard (Data Protection Policy).pdf
- P80 Racial Harassment for Residents.pdf
- P81 Equality and Diversity.pdf
- P82 Information systems as a supporting service.pdf
- P83 Emergency Fire Action Plan.pdf
- P85 Computer Security and Internet Usage Policy.pdf
- P86 Diabetes Care.pdf
- P87 CCTV Security.pdf
- P90 Catering Guidance.pdf
- P91 Duty of Candour.pdf