Rights Based Approach

The facilitation of people’s rights underpins everything we do

Our ethos is to empower individuals to live as independently as possible in the way that they choose. This is reflected in our policies and the way that we conduct our operations day to day. We promote all the fundamental freedoms, such as the right to freedom of expression, the right to a private and family life, the right to live without discrimination, and the right to liberty.

These principles are enshrined in the Human Rights Act and other laws, which have been designed to protect us all and provide us with freedoms many of us take for granted. These rights become particularly important when we become more vulnerable and require additional support.

Our rights based approach has given us the following priorities:

  1. Residents can end their stay at any time with no notice period
  2. We seek to promote choice and independence, so that our residents live in the way that they choose.
  3. We respect residents’ rights to make decisions for themselves, even if we don’t agree with those decisions, and will promote each resident’s right to decide what care is provided and even to refuse it.
  4. If a person has been assessed as being unable to make their own decisions, we will support them in any way we can. Decisions will only be made in their best interests, with input from family, friends, and other professionals where appropriate.
  5. The right to liberty is one the most important fundamental freedoms. We do not deprive anyone of their liberty unless necessary to protect them. Any deprivation will always be in their best interests and in accordance with the law.